Saturday, April 25, 2009


You Are a Bundle of Potential!

Do not become complacent! Do not lose heart! You may feel a failure but it's a lie from the enemy of humanity! You may think that you're too old or too young to achieve some of the dreams deep in your heart. You were created to be a success and to experience fulfillment. Those dreams and desires in your deepest being were placed there by God. He is excitedly waiting to see how you are going to become the Potential he created you to be!

God had great plans for you even before you were born, and even though we sometimes miss His best for our lives, He will use even the so called failures to stretch us and make us grow. Look at nature and see the laws of life in action- the birth of any new life is accompanied by an intense and dangerous struggle; the new life in the Spring comes from the barrenness of the long Winter; the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly involves apparent death, and precious jewels are formed in the deep under intense pressure.

Connect with your Creator and allow Him to rekindle the fire in you; allow Him to bring life out of death. Ask Him to birth the mind of the greatest most successful Human who ever lived, Jesus Christ in you. In Him you will find your true identity, and In Him you will see your true potential. When that happens you will realise that you can relax and let Him have His way by living His life through you. Right there is the key to to unlocking all the potential that was placed in you! Go for it!

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