Saturday, April 25, 2009


You Are a Bundle of Potential!

Do not become complacent! Do not lose heart! You may feel a failure but it's a lie from the enemy of humanity! You may think that you're too old or too young to achieve some of the dreams deep in your heart. You were created to be a success and to experience fulfillment. Those dreams and desires in your deepest being were placed there by God. He is excitedly waiting to see how you are going to become the Potential he created you to be!

God had great plans for you even before you were born, and even though we sometimes miss His best for our lives, He will use even the so called failures to stretch us and make us grow. Look at nature and see the laws of life in action- the birth of any new life is accompanied by an intense and dangerous struggle; the new life in the Spring comes from the barrenness of the long Winter; the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly involves apparent death, and precious jewels are formed in the deep under intense pressure.

Connect with your Creator and allow Him to rekindle the fire in you; allow Him to bring life out of death. Ask Him to birth the mind of the greatest most successful Human who ever lived, Jesus Christ in you. In Him you will find your true identity, and In Him you will see your true potential. When that happens you will realise that you can relax and let Him have His way by living His life through you. Right there is the key to to unlocking all the potential that was placed in you! Go for it!

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Making positive investments.

Humans relationships work very much like a bank account in which you can make positive deposits and negative withdrawals. Every positive word directed at another person is an investment in that relationship and every negative comment is a withdrawal from that relationship which will take considerable effort to repair. The same is true in terms of your relationship with yourself! Over the years many a negative withdrawal was made by various people: parents, teachers, peers and others who may not even have realised what they were doing to your self-esteem. You have the ability to reprogram your own mind by depositing positive words about yourself into your emotional bank account.

The Great Commandment says; "Love God with all that is within you and your neighbour as yourself" This proves that healthy relationships start with a relationship with God. Through that relationship you can find a healthy self-love, and only people with a healthy self-love can have good relationships with other people. This ancient truth is confirmed these days by modern medicine and psychology which says that most diseases are caused by traumatic experiences in relationships. Another verse from the Bible says that as a person sees himself in what he thinks so he will become - it's time to change your thinking and bring it in line with the truth of your creation- purpose.

Start to invest wholesome words and ideas into your mental bank account in order to change the way you see yourself. Do this by taking time out every day to meditate and confess positive images and words over your life, and eventually the Source of Life will shape your reality according to these self-fulfilling prophecies.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Tapping into the abundance

We are surrounded by abundance, but only a few seem to be tapping into it. Why is this? Why is it that some people seem to be born for success and others struggle their whole lives slaving away to make ends meet? There is an old saying that says there are only three kinds of people in the world; those that make things happen, those that watch things happen and those that wonder what happened! I believe the answer is in our minds-abundance, prosperity, wealth and even health starts in our minds, but so also poverty, lack and sickness!

Whatever your situation, if you change your mindset from a poverty-consciousness to an abundance -consciousness and you persevere to do it, your situation will change. You may wonder how to do this. The first thing you should determine to do is follow future blogs on this site. Today I will give a few foundational ideas that works in my life. Whatever your religious position, you must put your faith in the fact that we are indeed surrounded by abundance and goodness. Tap into it by starting to declare it out loud and whenever negative thoughts come, replace them with positive words or thoughts. Start off by confessing truths like, " I am surrounded by abundance"; I am a magnet for wealth, health and all sorts of good things"; " I was born to be a success"; "I am going up in life and not down"; " The creator of abundance is on my side and wants me to share in it"; etc. As you practise this, many new ideas and confessions will come into your mind-release them into the atmosphere with your words!

You were created for success! You were a winner from the moment you made it to the egg in your mother's womb. You are not the product of chance whatever some scientists want you to believe! You live in a world which was created to provide a never-ending supply of good things for the diligent.

Happy confessing!

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